PR2018 : numéro exceptionnel et unique. 100 pages A4, tout en couleurs, et accompagné d’un CD sampler de 21 titres.
Tirage : 3000 exemplaires.
Sommaire : interviews et articles de Johnny Mafia, Uncommonmenfrommars, The Decline!, Nasty Samy, Crapoulet Records, Punkulture, Les Barrocks, Big Up Girls, David Basso / Diesel, Et Mon Cul C’est Du Tofu, Tagada Jones, Brigitte Bop, Garage Lopez, Charge 69, Nothing More, Los Tres Puntos, Toxic Waste, Two Tone Club, Washington Dead Cats, 8°6 Crew, Dead End, PKRK, Panik LTDC, Attentat Sonore, Néophyte, Burning Heads, Not Scientists, Frustration, Justine, Guerilla Poubelle, Birds In Row, Youth Avoiders, La Flingue, Heavy Heart, Decibelles, Breakout, Gonna Get Yours, Lion’s Law, Litvosk, The headliners, Syndrome 81, Rixe, Bromure, Charly Fiasco, Zone Infinie, Demon Vendetta, Cannibal Mosquitos, The Irradiates, The Lullies, Zero Gain, Buried Option, LOuis Lingg And The Bomb, Chaviré, P.O.Box, Marybell, Lame Shot!, Johk, Leptik Ficus, Les Olivensteins, Les Sheriff, Les Rats, Ludwig Von 88, Komintern Sect, Les Partisans, Homeboys, Seven Hate, Psycho Squatt, Topsy Turvy’s, Diego Pallavas, Nightwatchers, Trouz An Noz, The Mercenaries, 1984, Intenable, Lunch, Bitpart, Traverse, O.T.H., Soft Animals, Litige, Hightower, Blank Slate, L A N E, Badass Mother Fuzzers, Dédale, Vegan Piranha, Barrel Kick, Jet Reactions, Off Models & Forest Pooky.
Tracklisting Sampler CD : Heavy Heart, Soft Animals, Supermunk, Badass Mother Fuzzers, La Flingue, Topsy Turvy’s, Blank Slate, Circle, Telecult, Litige, The Mercenaries, Traverse, Vegan Piranha, The Hi-Lites, Cookies, Lame Shot!, Johk, Off Models, Mss Frnce, P.M.S. & Zero Gain.
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